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Roger Hailey

Latest From Roger Hailey

Surge in air cargo as shippers seek alternatives to blanked sailings

A shortage of available container slots and cancellation of passenger flights is pushing up air cargo demand

Ports and Logistics Political and Trade

Cautious welcome for US-China trade deal

The years-long fight to force China to trade on a level playing field hads borne fruit for the US with an agreement that lays the foundation for successful and inclusive trade

Asia Pacific China

Taking advantage of China trade uncertainties

Cargo owners need to look closely at the potential pitfalls of shifting production to other Asian nations

Asia Pacific China

DSV chief says Panalpina integration is ‘on track’

Integrated group expects to achieve annual cost synergies of about $343m

Europe Denmark

US-China tariff delay does little to stabilise freight demand

The latest US-China tariff delay will do little to help stabilise a volatile freight demand environment. Scheduled tariff increases are being consistently delayed as a goodwill gesture while the two sides work toward an agreement

Asia Pacific China

Ocean freight peak season fails to materialise

Carriers have little to look forward to on the transpacific trade as shippers look elsewhere

Containers Political and Trade
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