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Printed By


Simon Bennett

Simon Bennett is the deputy secretary-general of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)

Latest From Simon Bennett

IMO needs an ambitious CO2 reduction agreement

The International Chamber of Shipping believes an ambitious agreement can be reached in the autumn, provided that governments maintain open minds and be willing to avoid inflexible positions

International IMO

There is nothing wrong with the IMO fee structure

IMO agreements are made on the basis of consensus by all member states

IMO Technology and Innovation

IMO must be bold but cautious

IMO member states will need to send a clear message to the world at large while keeping developing nations on board

International IMO

Protest and progress

Letter to the editor: Shipping was well-represented at climate change negotiations

Environment Regulation

Don't underestimate industry's C02 ambition

MEPs fail to realise this is a global negotiation about the CO2 reduction pathway being taken by a global industry

Regulation Europe

Industry viewpoint: Unilateral EU regulation is complicating key IMO debate on CO2 reduction measures

Brussels move will have major implications for negotiations on a global data collection system, says Simon Bennett of the ICS

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