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Steve Matthews

Latest From Steve Matthews

Shipping cannot count on money in the bank

2011 has already seen a general tightening of accessibility to bank debt, but the outlook for 2012 looks likely to remain challenging and uncertain

Finance Europe

OECD numbers confirm shipping volumes are stagnating

Sea trade involving the EU and US is still lower than before the eve of financial crisis in 2008

Finance Europe

Banks keep tight rein on cash

An exclusive video interview with Steve Matthews

Finance Europe

Anastassiadis takes top job at Louis Cruises

Previously worked for Coca-Cola and P&G

Passenger Ship operations

ISCO becomes permanent observer at IMO

Including oil-spill experts will ‘fill a gap’

Environment Regulation

Moody’s downgrades Hapag-Lloyd outlook to negative

Rating reflects a tough 2011 and gloomy prospects for the industry next year

Containers Europe
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