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Tom Leander

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People power

Under the Aquino government, private sector initiatives to build skills and improve seafarers’ lives have momentum. Are the gains in jeopardy?

The Intelligence Regulation

HMM creditors reject debt rescheduling bid

New meeting is set for March 22, with KDB seeking to have a ‘voluntary’ agreement in place by March 29

Containers Finance

View from the Bridge: Robbert van Trooijen

The chief executive of Maersk’s merged Asian operations refuses to see only negatives in the market and wants to make the most of 2M’s lead

Containers Ship operations

Dry hopes

A few small shafts of light break through the general gloom of the dry bulk trades

Dry Bulk

Genco Shipping and Trading narrows fourth-quarter loss to $49.5m

Fourth-quarter revenues driven down by historically low rates

Dry Bulk North America

ASF blasts latest Prestige judgment

Apostolos Mangouras was sentenced to two years in prison earlier this year by Spain’s Supreme Court and deemed ‘reckless’ in 14-year-old case

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