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Wayne Grady

Latest From Wayne Grady

Key US grain exports could offset Ukraine turmoil next year

BIMCO analyst Filipe Gouveia forecasts an increase in US exports next year, which could help ensure sufficient global maize supplies and mitigate losses resulting from the war in Ukraine and, for now, the end of the Black Sea grain agreement

Ukraine Russian Federation

Russia wheat exports reach record while Ukraine dwindles

As the 2022-23 trading year ends, Russia has solidified its standing as the world’s top wheat exporter, reaching a record 45.5m tonnes according to the US Department of Agriculture. By contrast, Ukraine’s planted area has dropped ‘significantly’ as a result of the situation in Ukraine, with next year’s production forecast to be the smallest crop in more than a decade

Dry Bulk Russian Federation

Strike starts in Canada’s west coast ports

A series of meetings Thursday through Friday night failed to yield a tentative agreement, but the parties remain at the table. Business groups have warned of the impacts of a strike on Canada’s west coast ports, which handle about 16% of the nation’s traded goods annually

Containers Ports and Logistics

China to import more wheat as rains ruin harvests

The extra demand by China is expected to benefit the mid- and smaller-sized bulk carriers, with the potential for longer-haul trades adding to tonne-miles

Dry Bulk China

ICS publishes medical guide for use at sea

New guide includes chapters on assessing mental health issues and communicating with telemedical services

International Chamber of Shipping Crewing

GSBN tests blockchain solution for safer shipping of chemical cargoes

Shipping network has completed a venture with Cosco Shipping, OOCL and a research institute, on the exchange of safety certificates for the transportation of chemical cargo using blockchain technology

China Technology and Innovation
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