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Will Waters

Latest From Will Waters

Transpacific ocean transit times ease slightly

With China-US ocean freight customers still having to wait on average 17 more days than usual for containers as congestion drags on, digital freight forwarder Shifl is warning businesses that ‘supply chain delays are far from over’

Asia Pacific North America

Port of Vancouver remains impacted by recent flooding

Although progress has been made to restore main routes to the Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley regions, rail and road operations servicing the key Canadian west coast port remain impacted by the recent flooding in British Columbia

North America Canada

UK’s first new freeports ‘open for business’

Thames Freeport says a new range of financial incentives for businesses, including ‘being part of a customs zone, which will enable businesses to continue to have low-friction trade processes with the EU and global markets’. Humber and Teesside freeports also understood to be up and running this month

United Kingdom Ports and Logistics

Battle heats up over who should pay to speed up US container flows

World Shipping Council disputes claim by the National Industrial Transportation League that ocean carriers should not be allowed to pass on the $100 per day container fee to importers

North America United States

Rail strikes add to German post-flood intermodal disruptions

Industrial action has been prolonging disruptions to intermodal services to and from Germany that have been operating with reduced capacity since last month’s exceptional floods in parts of Europe

Europe Germany

Peak season demand pushes Asia-US to new highs

As fears grow of further coronavirus outbreaks leading to lockdowns in China, analysts believe there may be further short-term rate rises. Transpacific freight rates are now topping $20,000 per feu

Asia Pacific China
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