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Nora Zhou

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Hanjin collapse hits Long Beach volumes

Hanjin Seattle due to arrive next week to discharge cargo

Containers Ports and Logistics

Tote ships sail amid Hurricane Matthew and against US Coast Guard warnings

USCG issued safety warnings to boat users and oceangoing commercial vessels

Containers Safety

Ports America establishes joint stevedoring venture with Cooper/T. Smith

Consolidation of operations and assets aims to more efficiently serve two companies’ collective customers

Ports and Logistics North America

Port of Long Beach appoints Duane Kenagy as interim chief executive

Port authorities still seeking a candidate to take helm

Containers Ports and Logistics

Gulftainer opens up new warehouse at the Port of Canaveral

Port plans to expand its container terminal capacity from 200,000 teu to 750,000 teu

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Oakland makes night gate programme permanent

Decision follows successful three-month trial period

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