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Printed By


Tomer Raanan

New York

Tomer Raanan is Lloyd’s List’s senior maritime reporter in the US. He is based in New York, where he enjoyed a decade-long career in private security before joining Lloyd’s List in 2022. Tomer Raanan has a background as a writer, researcher and analyst who has written for the South China Morning Post and Nikkei, publishers of the Financial Times, and has written, edited and translated for the Asia Policy Program in the Abba Eban Institute. He is experienced in trade & investment data analysis, in addition to FDI, security and technology issues. A graduate of SUNY Empire State College with a degree in Public Affairs, majoring in political science and economics, Tomer is also a military veteran and a devout Liverpool fan.

Latest From Tomer Raanan

VLGC rate recovery reverses course as petchem competition intensifies

Despite a wide US-Asia propane price arbitrage, VLGC spot rates are sliding again, losing the momentum built through August. According to Jefferies shipping analyst Omar Nokta, falling naphtha prices in Asia are hurting spot activity in the Middle East as petrochemical plants switch to using naphtha as a feedstock

Tankers and Gas LPG

Port of Long Beach August cargo volumes shatter all-time records

The port of Long Beach handled more than 900,000 teu in August, making it the busiest month in the port’s 113-years history. ‘Cargo diversions and concerns about upcoming tariffs are creating a busy peak season for us,’ explained port chief Mario Cordero

Containers Ports and Logistics

Recently acquired Schuyler Line secures $17.1m US government contract

Schuyler Line, which was recently acquired by institutional investors advised by JP Morgan, has secured a US government contract worth and initial $17.1m, with options running up to $71m if exercised

Tankers and Gas Product tankers

US sanctions two LPG carriers as it targets Hezbollah-linked network

The US continued to target shipping operations related to terrorist financing Wednesday with designations that included two small LPG carriers, five companies, and three individuals

Sanctions Risk and Compliance

UK sanctions 10 ‘shadow fleet’ tankers shipping Russian oil

The UK has announced its third round of shipping sanctions, targeting 10 tankers it says are part of Russia’s ‘shadow fleet’. All 10 are managed by the same UAE-based company, Lloyd’s List Intelligence data shows, and were previously managed by sanctioned Sovcomflot entities

Sanctions Risk and Compliance

The curious case of an Iran-linked gas carrier anchored off Houston

In a rare occurrence, an Iran-linked VLGC newbuild has been anchored off Houston since June. Its operators say they received a licence from Ofac to trade in the US

Risk and Compliance Sanctions
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